

Studio Design Stevan is a studio of professionals, who by combining their skills are able to carry out turnkey projects satisfying the customer's needs.

The strength that characterizes the study is the advantage of a cross design between structural design, interior design and lighting design, thus allowing to obtain final results, regardless of the intended use, extremely exciting and satisfying.




During the first meeting we aim to get to know the customer.

His needs and requests are shown to us through example images and ideas that are independently researched.

After, the first possible draft is worked out together, in order to obtain a guideline to work on.

Plan design of the first compositional proposal presented through photorealistic renderings.

Choice of furniture according to the customer's taste complete with material proposal for each individual setting.

Drafting the turnkey construction estimate.

Definitions of the products and materials used.

Design the technical development of all personalized elements that will be tailor-made by selected and tailored professionals.

Design the lighting proposal. (which will be provided later to the selected professional)

Construction phase.

Management of all the selected professionals (plasterboard, electrician, plumber, ...) until the end of the work.

Delivery and assembly of the furniture and subsequent test of the lighting system.

[ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content title=”INCONTRO” icon_bg_color=”#FAB207″ icon=”fa fa-users” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]Durante il primo incontro si punta a conoscere il cliente.
His needs and requests are shown to us through example images and ideas that are independently researched.
Successivamente si elabora insieme la prima bozza possibile, in modo di ottenere una linea guida su cui lavorare.[/ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content]
[ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content title=”PROGETTAZIONE” icon_bg_color=”#FAB207″ icon=”fa fa-slack” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]Progettazione in pianta della prima proposta compositiva presentata attraverso render fotorealistici.
Scelta dell’arredamento secondo il gusto del cliente completo di proposta materica per ogni singola ambientazione.
Stesura del preventivo di realizzazione chiavi in mano.[/ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content]
[ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content title=”CREAZIONE” icon_bg_color=”#FAB207″ icon=”fa fa-th-large” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]Definizioni dei prodotti e materiali utilizzati.
Design the technical development of all personalized elements that will be tailor-made by selected and tailored professionals.
Sviluppo dell’impianto elettrico secondo la proposta illuminotecnica. (il quale sará fornito in seguito al professionista selezionato)[/ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content]
[ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content title=”MONTAGGIO” icon_bg_color=”#FAB207″ icon=”fa fa-puzzle-piece” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]Fase di cantiere.
Management of all the selected professionals (plasterboard, electrician, plumber, ...) until the end of the work.
Consegna e montaggio dell’arredamento e successiva prova dell’impianto illuminotecnico.[/ucaddon_uc_material_carousel_content]

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